Microbiology Lab & Molecular Biology Department
One of the most up-to-date microbiological laboratories operates in the facilities of the OLYMPION Private General Clinic in Patra. Staffed with specialized doctors and technologists and adequately equipped, it performs a wide range of laboratory tests, quickly and reliably.
The department covers the laboratory needs of the Hematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology and Hormonology Departments, with daily blood samples. The results are given on the same day with the exception of certain specialized exams.
The laboratory operates on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year.

More specifically, the following exams are carried out:
- Hematological (Blood tests)
- Coagulation and Thrombophilia tests - Anti-Xa test
- Biochemical tests
- Endocrinological examinations
- Serological tests
- Immunological tests
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Viruses
- Microorganisms
- Parasites
- Immunoglobulins, Specific proteins
- Tumour markers
- Drug levels, Toxic substances
- Allergy Test (RAST)
- Crops
- Aerobics
- Anaerobics
- Mycoplasmas-chlamydia
- Fungi-dermatophytes
- Mycobacteria
- Blood cultures with Bact / Alert system

- General exams of body fluids
- Urine analysis
- CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid)
- pleural fluid
- peritoneal fluid
- arthritic fluid
- faeces
- Direct vaginal
- Sperm diagram
- Special osteoporosis tests
- Special hypertension tests
- Special Diabetes Tests
- Twenty-four hour urine tests
- Antigen control (Legionella, Pneunoniococcus)
- Electrophoresis
- Serum and urine proteins
- Hemoglobin
- Serum and urine immunoprecipitation

Molecular Biology Department
The Department of Molecular Biology of the OLYMPION General Clinic is a significant part of the Diagnostic Laboratories operating within the General Clinic and is staffed exclusively by specialized molecular biologists.
The following exams are carried out at the Department of Molecular Biology:
- Molecular testing (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 (result in 3-4 hours)
- Molecular testing (PCR) of Thrombophilia (12 mutations)
- Molecular testing (PCR) of Cystic Fibrosis (18 mutations)
- Molecular testing (PCR) of the Cystic Fibrosis ΔF508 mutation
- Molecular testing (PCR) Celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
- Molecular Testing (PCR) for Myelohyperplastic Syndromes (MPNs)
- Molecular testing (PCR) of Hemochromatosis (3 mutations)
- Molecular testing (PCR) Hearing Impairment (Connexin 26 gene, 10 mutations)
- Molecular testing (PCR) for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Molecular testing (PCR) of Oncogenes (K-RAS, N-RAS, BRAF, EGFR, ALK)
The results are available in 5 working days and can be sent by e-mail.
The exams are offered at competitive prices. Beneficiary prices for package testings upon request.
For further information, please call 2610-464000, 2610-464006 (Mrs. Georgia Drosou, Head of the Molecular Biology Department of the OLYMPION General Clinic).