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Anesthesiology Department

The Anesthesiology Department of the “OLYMPION” offers up-to-date and integrated medical services in the following fields:

  • Anesthesia for all types and severity of surgeries of all surgical specialties
  • Anesthesia for critically ill patients
  • Postoperative analgesia
  • Obstetric anesthesia and analgesia

All modern techniques and medicines are used based on international anesthesia practices. Absolutely safe methods of general anesthesia are applied with state-of-the-art anesthesia equipment, monitors, electronic drug delivery pumps and other anesthesia equipment, offering   quality services to the patients. Techniques of combined drug administration (balanced anesthesia) are used, eliminating 100% the risks of any memory intraoperatively and almost completely the usual side effects of anesthesia (nausea and vomiting). The highly experienced anesthesiologists make the usually unpleasant experience of general anesthesia a pleasant memory for all patients.

Epidural anesthesia and analgesia eliminate postoperative pain and are applied occasionally to major abdominal surgeries, lower limb surgeries and obstetrics (painless delivery-caesarean section with epidural).

In minor surgeries that are usually performed under local anesthesia, in specialized and unpleasant diagnostic procedures for the patient (colonoscopy, gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.) and to claustrophobic patients for MRI and CT scans, suppression is administered even outside the operating room with absolute safety and patient satisfaction.

All peripheral nerve exclusion techniques are also performed for limb anesthesia, for operations on limbs, with anesthesia only of the limb that will undergo surgery.

The Anesthesiology Department of the “OLYMPION” General Clinic, satisfies the increased demands of the patients for absolute safety and minimization of pain, treating each patient with respect, compassion and care.

"the other face of health"



Volou & Meilichou Str., Kato Sychena, Patras 264 43, Greece



LANDLINE: +30 2611 100 600
AMBULANCE: +30 2610 464 000



LANDLINE: +30 2610 464 000
E-MAIL: info@olympion-sa.gr


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